Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008


did i tell you bindy and foster are spoiled. they sleep where they want and we just let them do it. bindy loves to see how smashed she can make the pillow on the couch

we found a kitty

we found a kitty yet it could not stay and after 24 hours the dogs are finally calm. we took oreo all 11.2 oz of him to the humane society, to have a little girl adopt him and love him to death...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

what they do all day

Wonder what Foster and Bindy do all day? This is what it typically looks like every day till they have totally "killed it".

Thursday, July 3, 2008

i guess i just entered the blog world

bindy and foster made it the 6 hour drive to see areta and allen.
they couldn't decide if they like all the area to run and wrestle or the yellow chair better...
they had a great time, bindy even appeared to be a bit sad once we made it home, but once again she is distracted by wrestling with foster
yesterday she was limping all over the house, yet today is all better...i think she was faking it just to get some extra love...what a funny girl

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bindy and Foster in Savannah

Bindy has moved back in with her "real" mom. She now lives in Savannah, GA with Cara and her best friend Foster (Nathan's dog). Here is a really cute picture Cara took of her "kids":

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Oh the life of a Hill Girl!

A really cute picture of Bindy at the "grandparent's" house

Mobile Uploads

Here are some cute pictures that I have uploaded from my cell phone:

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This is what Bindy looks like when we drive to Fayetteville. She peeps through her "den" and gets very excited to go see "grandmommy" and "granddaddy"

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bindy got yet another new shirt! This one says, "Only Child" and she is yet another spoiled Hill girl!

Second Snow!!

On March 7th we had about 4-6 inches of snow. This time Bindy loved it and didn't want to ever come inside.

First Snow!

On March 4th we woke up to snow! It was the first snow in Little Rock this winter that actually stuck! Bindy didn't really know what to think at first...

Bindy's Birthday! 2-14-08

February 14 is Bindy's birthday. For her birthday she got a new toy. As you can see she loved it.

Tired Puppy

Bindy was so tired after helping set up the Christmas Tree. Yes, that is her hammer.

Oh Christmas Tree


The Family Christmas Card

photo by Grandmommy Hill at Thanksgiving

October in Fayetteville

Bindy and Bunny running in their Halloween costumes.


Here are some cute shots of Bindy in her Halloween costumes. She loves wearing clothes!